Featured Articles
Merry X-mas! – The “I Love You During Sex” Opener
August 12, 2017 AlexanderProphet Banter Lines, Best PUA Stories, Dating Advice and Tips, Pick Up Lines and Routines, Venusian Arts, 0
Here’s an opener that my wingman Packer and I came up with on the fly one night and turned into a solid opener. Usually the best openers come from when you and your buddies are discussing something to do with girls/sex/dating/relationships/etc. There …
Featured Articles, gambit, M3 Model, mystery Pua, opening lines, pickup lines, Pua forum, pua opener, routine, Routines and Gambits
Can I Have Your Number? – MadTV Skit
August 11, 2017 AlexanderProphet Dating Advice and Tips, Pick Up Lines and Routines, Venusian Arts, 0

Direct game gone hilariously wrong… even though it’s just a skit watch how the girl’s body language and replies are constantly conveying disinterest!
Phone Game – The Problem With Mass Texting Girls
August 8, 2017 AlexanderProphet Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Phone and Text Game, Venusian Arts, 0

I didn’t always use to be, but I’ve become quite the social guy. Seven years ago my Friday and Saturday nights would have been spent playing EVE Online or World of Warcraft. Nowadays, I’m out with friends doing something almost every WEEKDAY. But on…
cheat sheet, Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Erik von Markovik, facebook invites, Featured Articles, gambit, gambits, girls, love systems, mehow, Mystery, mystery method, neil strauss, phone, Phone and Text Game, phone game, pick-up, pick-up artist, pickup, pickup-artist, pua, real social dynamics, red, routines, sexting, sla, stack, style, stylelife, text game, text message, text pebble, the game, Venusian, Venusian Arts
The Date – Time Bridges and Day-2s
August 5, 2017 AlexanderProphet Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Venusian Arts, 0

A question I hear a lot from students is “Where do I take all these girls for a Day-2 once I close them?” This is usually followed up with “I don’t have a lot of money” and “There isn’t really much to do in my city.” But believe it or not, there are …
bar, bounce location, cheap dates, close, club, date, date ideas, day-2, Featured Articles, girls, HB, mystery method, nightclub, number close, phone game, Prophet
How to Get A Girl’s Number
June 23, 2017 AlexanderProphet Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Phone and Text Game, Pick Up Lines and Routines, Venusian Arts, 1

I’ve been saving this for the release of the VA Phone Game iPhone App, so now that it’s out I can share it here on the blog! This is just a sample of what we’ve got in the Articles section of the app – available for free in the app store now!
How to …
cheat sheet, Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Erik von Markovik, Featured Articles, gambit, gambits, girls, love systems, M3 Model, mehow, Mystery, mystery method, neil strauss, phone, Phone and Text Game, phone game, Pick Up Lines and Routines, pick-up, pick-up artist, pickup, pickup-artist, pua, real social dynamics, red, routines, Routines and Gambits, sla, stack, style, stylelife, text message, text pebble, the game, Venusian, Venusian Arts
Texting and How to Avoid Phone Game Traps
June 17, 2017 AlexanderProphet Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Phone and Text Game, Venusian Arts, 0

Ever since my last article on How to Get Her Number and the release of the VA Phone Game app, a lot of people have been asking me about texting girls – especially when you can’t get them on the phone. If you’ve read the rest of my articles on Phone G…
cheat sheet, Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Erik von Markovik, Featured Articles, gambit, gambits, girls, love systems, mehow, Mystery, mystery method, neil strauss, phone, Phone and Text Game, phone game, pick-up, pick-up artist, pickup, pickup-artist, pua, real social dynamics, red, routines, sla, stack, style, stylelife, text message, text pebble, the game, Venusian, Venusian Arts
Canned Material vs “Winging It”
May 23, 2017 AlexanderProphet Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Pick Up Lines and Routines, Venusian Arts, 0
Here’s a little post I put on the forum a couple of years ago but totally forgot to put up as a full article. Enjoy! It still surprises me that I see so many people talking about whether or not to used canned material and routine stacks, so after an experiment last night I thought […]
bar, canned material, cheat sheet, club, club game, dhv, dhv stories, Featured Articles, routine stack, routines, Routines and Gambits, Seduction Stories and Field Reports
Overcoming Fear Of Rejection
May 20, 2017 AlexanderProphet Common Sticking Points, Dating Advice and Tips, Venusian Arts, 0
Fear of public ridicule at the hands of beautiful women is surprisingly common. Many, MANY men – myself included back in the day – share this potentially crippling fear. Few people are brave enough to come right out and say it though, so if you’re reading this you’re at least moving in the right direction […]
bar, club, fear, Featured Articles, inner game, nightclub, opener, Psychology, rejection
Is Toronto REALLY The Worst City For Men?
May 19, 2017 AlexanderProphet Dating Advice and Tips, Venusian Arts, 0
So an article called 15 Reasons Why Toronto Is the Worst City In North America For Men by RooshV showed up on my Facebook on Monday. I’ve never meet RooshV, although I’ve had heard a lot about him from various people who have read his books, but to me the whole article just reads like […]
asian girls, bar, club, Featured Articles, food, girls, Gossip and Drama, sarging, toronto, travel