PUA Openers, Pick-up Lines, and DHV Stories

Openers, Pick-up Lines, and DHV Stories for PUAs from around the world

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Style’s Cashmere Sweater Opener

Hey, guys (FTC) My buddy wants to buy a cashmere sweater for this girlfriend for her birthday, but he was looking at her clothes and she has a mix of medium and small shirts, so he has no idea what size to get her. Would a girl be more insulted if he gave her clothing […]


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Name Mnemonics Gambit

HB: What’s your name? Style: I’m Style. HB: I’m Janet. This is Donna. And that’s Tony. Style: Okay… Janet, Donna, Tony. You know, I used to be really bad with names. HBs: Omigod, I’m so bad with names. Style: But you don’t have to be anymore. Here, I’ll show you in two seconds. All I […]


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Unlucky Number Opener

[Count the number of people in the group(say N)] “Don’t you guys know that ‘N’ is an unlucky number? Good thing I’m here otherwise you would all be cursed to damnation’” – By Juggler


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Did You Just Touch My Ass Opener

[On dance floor or in line at the bar] Hey, did you just touch my ass? (no) No? Well you should! [If the girl finds you cute and feels safe (or tipsy), and she�s in a fun mood, she may even slap or touch your ass at that point. Act shocked] I was only kidding! […]


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Wrong Number Routine

Do you ever answer phone calls you don’t recognize? Don’t you think sometimes it’s a mistake though? Cuz I totally made this mistake last weekend. I get this phone call and it’s this chick. She’s like “Hey is Renaissan there?” I say “Yeah, this Renaissan.” She’s like “Oh my God, this is Melissa you’ll never […]


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The Romance Novel Routine

I’m in advertising, and for about six months ago I’ve been intrigued with how men and women communicate. What happened is that a friend of mine in the publishing industry told me this fact that blew me away. (pause. I know the interest level is REALLY high here, because I always have their undivided attention […]


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Jinx Opener

Have a bar napkin or a piece of paper with the following written on it: “Help, I’ve been jinxed! I need someone to say my name so I can speak.” When they ask you your name, turn the paper over and reveal your name written on the back. If they give you a strange look, […]


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Bendable Cigarette Trick

Take a cigarette and ask her if she can make both ends touch with out breaking the cigarette.. Her… NO? Roll the cigarette in a dollar bill or any bill and you can bend it with out breaking it make both ends touch both ways. Unroll it and straighten out the cigarette


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Mullets Are The Key To Success Opener

Guys! I’ve got it!I woke up last night, all of a sudden in a moment of pure enlightenment!And now…I’ve got it!The key to success are MULLETS! Seriously! Just think about it! All of the major people in the world who are well known, financially rich, or have another prominent spot in the world’s society… they […]


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Rockstar Opener

You guys are like the rockstars of the club… look at all these groupies waiting to talk to you [point to chodey guys]! Wait, [primp her a little bit, twist her hat, adjust her glasses] NOW you’re a superstar!


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